Indie Hackers Alfred Workflow
Kevin B. Ridgway
Kevin B. Ridgway
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Browse and Search Indie Hackers Posts from Alfred
This is an Alfred Workflow that allows you to easily see the top posts from Indie Hackers*. I wanted an easy way to check out the latest posts, so I created this workflow since I'm a heavy user of Alfred for all things automation.
The Alfred Workflow
Created using the wonderful Alfy from Sindre Sorhus.
The Backend Service
A simple micro service using 'micro', deployed on Zeit.
- Node.js
- Uses async/await
- node-fetch used to make requests to the external site
- cheerio for the loading the content and grabbing the right HTML nodes
- Simple cache based on a timer, so many requests will be memoized and served from memory rather than making a request to the external site for every request to the service; cache expires after a configurable amount of time
*Note: Not directly affiliated with the Indie Hackers site itself, just an Indie Hacker community member here scratching my own itch.