Kevin B. Ridgway
Kevin B. Ridgway's Digital Garden
I’m a Software Engineer living in Buffalo, NY 🌨️. Checkout my now page to see what I’m up to at the moment.
I enjoy working on web products, and focus on the frontend in most roles lately. I’ve worked in higher education, adtech, blockchain, healthcare, and other industries.
- React Conf 2024 - Unleashing the Future
- Weeknotes - 02/21/23
- Weeknotes - 02/06/23
- A Decades Long Retrospective
- Choose Your Own Adventure
- Flash is Very Dead
- The Internet is 50 Today
- 100 Days of Sketches
- Indie Hackers Alfred Workflow
- On Technical Interviews
- How I Use Bear Notes
- Scientific Method Over Anecdotal Evidence in Technology Choices
- Explore vs. Exploit
- Abstract Syntax Trees in JavaScript
- Things Great Engineering Managers Do
- An Intro to the Rust Programming Language Article on the ACV Engineering Blog
- Here are 15 things I've pondered about in 15 years of Software Engineering...
- Hackathons and Entrepreneurship on the ACV Engineering Blog
- LinkedIn Post about Giving a Talk on Google Chrome Extensions
- How Nota, a Fortune 500-Backed Startup, Delivered a Fintech Solution with Postman